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Finding Your Balance Through Understanding The Energetics Of The Chakra System

Writer's picture: Gina BakerGina Baker

Chakras are best described as energy centers or, even, centers of consciousness. The chakras are inextricably linked with the science and practice of yoga. The word yoga means "yoke," and it is a system of philosophy and practice designed to yoke the mortal self to its divine nature of pure consciousness. In metaphysical terminology, a chakra is a vortex of spinning wheels that interact with the life force energy from within and from outside of us.

All chakras working together in harmony can become the vehicle to an ascending level of consciousness. If there are disharmonies in any of the chakras, there will be blocks to higher levels of thought and healing. One of the best ways to determine whether there are blockages is to examine our thoughts which often manifest in physical or mental ailments or dysfunctions. We are what we think. And, this is demonstrated in the harmony or disharmony of the chakras as manifested in our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual life. The chakras are interdependent with the nervous systems and exist within the subtle body.

There are many smaller, more precisely tuned chakras in the body totaling about 1,000. Our chakras reflect our thoughts, feelings and emotions. They can be open or closed; they can be spinning fast or slow.

The body and the mind are inseparably interrelated. The seven chakras running up the center of the body are identified by a frequency with each chakra corresponding to a different frequency. There are colors, sounds, attitudes, gemstones, essence oils and even foods that vibrate to their corresponding chakra. A block in the functioning of one chakra may affect the activity of the one above or below it. For example, you may have trouble with your personal power (third chakra) because of a block in communication (fifth chakra) or vice versa.

As mention in the Spirt of Health magazine, the chakra frequencies are often times balanced through various meditation practices. By focusing on a particular sound or mantra, we affect the chakra that vibrates at the same frequency as the sound or mantra. Creative visualization is another tool to adjust an out of balance chakra. For example, the 6TH chakra is associated with imagination and inspired communication. Practicing creative visualization strengthens the 6th chakra like working out in a gym does for your muscles. Also, visualizing corresponding colors and chakras will strengthen the chakra that you are dealing with. Using affirmations that relate to a particular chakra can also help the chakras to spin at their proper frequency. Movement can also open the chakras. For example, there are different yoga poses for each chakra that help to clear blocked energies. Breathing, or pranayama, is useful with meditation in bringing the chakras into balance.

Chakras close down or slow down when we have blocks in our thoughts and attitudes about whatever the particular chakra represents. In this case, the above tools can be used to help open or speed up the chakra energy center. When a chakra is out of balance, the Chi, or life force of a person vibrates below the appropriate frequency of that chakra. This can manifest as physical illness, mental dysfunctions, emotional disruptions or spiritual difficulties. The area or areas of your life that you think are not functioning well, whether they are physical, mental, emotional or spiritual usually points to chakra imbalances in the corresponding chakra. For instance, if you have an overactive 2nd chakra, you may manifest this with poor personal boundaries, guilt, lower back problems or, even kidney problems.

Like any type of growth in life, chakras can be balanced at one point in your life and then become unbalanced if you have any crisis, trauma or experience where you need to change an attitude, lifestyle factor or dispel a fear. Following is a brief explanation of each chakra and it’s corresponding associations.

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