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Writer's pictureGina Baker

Renew your space

Springtime is the perfect time to clear out old energy to get your space ready for the new. The perfect way to do this is by smudging your space.

Smudging is the common name given to a powerful cleansing technique from the Native American tradition; however, the burning of herbs for emotional, psychic, and spiritual purification is a common practice among many religious, healing, and spiritual traditions. It is a ceremonial way to cleanse a person, place or an object of negative energies or influences. It is also an effective method for energizing or blessing a person, place or object.Rev. Gwenievere Maria, founder and president of the Center for Spiritual Healing Inc., is a world-renowned inspirational teacher and author in the field of shamanism and spiritual healing who is my teacher and will be assisting me in my space clearing at my new office space.

Supplies You Need for Smudging Your House:

  • Smudge stick

  • Candle & matches

  • A fireproof container.

How To Smudge Yourself (or Somebody Else):

Once your smudge stick is lit and smoldering, set your intentions and ground yourself and direct the smoke waves to the overall energy field around your body, starting with the area above your head and continuing down to your feet. Do not forget to breathe deeply and stay connected throughout the whole process. Often times you can start with the soles of the feet, going up both sides of the legs, torso, arms and finishing by smudging the space above the head. See what works best for you it will be perfect in every way.

The same steps apply when you are asked to smudge somebody else, be it a friend or a child. It is usually a good idea to smudge yourself before, as well as after you smudge the space.

5 Simple Steps to Smudge Your Office:

  1. Place the candle, the fireproof container and the smudge stick on a table, desk or any other appropriate surface. It is best if you create a sense of ceremony when you smudge the office (not during busy office hours) as well as find time when you will not be disturbed; 10-15 min should be enough.

  2. Light the candle and say a prayer, set your intentions, or just focus your energy. Light the tip of your smudge stick with a candle light, then gently wave the stick in the air till the tip begins to smolder.

  3. Hold the smudge stick over the fireproof container at all times in order to avoid any lit herbs falling on the floor. You can use a feather, if you have one, but usually just gently waving your hands to disperse the smoke is enough. Remind yourself to stay connected to your breathing and prayers throughout your smudging session.

  4. Go clockwise around your OFFICE (usually starting at the front door), and gently wave the smoke into the air. Spend a bit more time smudging the room corners, as they tend to accumulate stagnant energy. Be sure to also open the closet doors and carefully smudge inside. Do not forget about spaces such as the laundry room, the garage or the basements.

  5. When you have smudged all areas of your office, come back to where you started and gently extinguish your smudge stick (dipping it into sand while applying a bit of pressure usually works well). Wait a bit, and then pack your smudge stick, as well as the container, till your next smudging session. You can leave the candle, if you so desire, to continue to purify the energy.

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